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Holotropic Breathwork Introduction

InnerSpace Integration aims to provide a supportive container for individuals who are on a path of intentional growth and a journey toward well-being, serving the growing community during this psychedelic renaissance.

We are once again excited to again host Michael Stone, a Los Angeles based Stan-Grof-Certified Holotropic Breathwork Facilitator to bring you a unique opportunity for a Holotopic Breathwork introductory experience. Through this offering we wish to introduce the community to additional modes of self-discovery, catharsis and a connection with transpersonal states. Please note Holotropic Breathwork is an expansive, activating practice (If you are currently seeking grounding integration activities, please consider attending our other events).

Michael will first speak about how Holotropic Breathwork was developed, how it works and what kind of results people can expect from HB. Following the talk, there will be a one hour "mini-breathwork" experience where participants can find out for themselves what it is like to access the profound healing potential of non-ordinary states of consciousness through one's own breath and music. He will then host a concluding integration session.

Please pre-register online, the event is capped at 35 participants, last few workshops sold out quickly!
Cost: $25 pre-sale, $30 at door (if spaces are left)

Event will be at a private residence in Venice. Exact address will be e-mailed to you upon registration

Doors open at 7:00 pm
Workshop begins at 7:15 pm

- water bottle
- chapstick
- journal/notebook
- eyemask (there will be some available to borrow)

Looking forward to seeing you!

About Michael Stone:
Michael was originally educated in the sciences and obtained a Chemical Engineering degree from UC Berkeley and then an MBA from the University of Southern California. About 15 years ago, he took a trip to Peru and received a profound healing when he experienced a non-ordinary state of consciousness during an Ayahuasca ceremony. When he returned to the US, he began a search for modalities that could access the same healing potential but without using any substances. This led him to Holotropic Breathwork, which was developed by Dr. Stan Grof (based on his research with LSD psychotherapy) that allows people to access the healing potential of non-ordinary states of consciousness using your own breath and evocative music. Since Holotropic Breathwork had such a profound impact on his life, he decided to complete the rigorous two year facilitator training program in order to be able to facilitate Holotropic Breathwork workshops himself so that he could bring this experience to others.


You can contact Michael at:,


Health Notes – If you have any of the following situations/conditions, you will not be able participate in the second half of this event (mini-breathing session): serious cardiovascular disease, epilepsy, detached retina, glaucoma, uncontrolled high blood pressure, or pregnancy. If you have asthma, please bring your inhaler. If you have any questions regarding anything, please contact Michael before the event.


A quote from Jack Kornfield - Author of A Path With Heart about HB: "The therapeutic benefits of Holotropic Breathwork are remarkable. The healing of illness, anxiety, depression and conflict, the release and healing of trauma and abuse, the reintegration with family and community, the opening of compassion, forgiveness, courage and love, the reclaiming of purpose, the finding of our lost soul and the higher insights of spiritual understanding all come spontaneously from the unfolding of this powerful process."


Tell us more about why you are interested in InnerSpace Integration by filling out an interest form:


“The new space is inner space” - Jason Silva

NOTICE: We do not encourage or condone any illegal activities. We do believe that all people need a supportive ground crew. We recognize that integrating a transformative experience needs care, love, understanding, and support. The Aware Project and InnerSpace Integration take a harm reduction approach where we emphasize accurate information, education, and safety. Do not bring, buy, sell, transfer, or arrive on any illegal substances, or swap information on how to buy them. Members who violate these basic house rules will be removed from the group and will not be allowed to attend future events.