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Holotropic Breathwork All-Day Workshop

  • Thymele Arts 4265 El Cajon Boulevard San Diego, CA, 92105 United States (map)

All Day Holotropic Breath Workshop facilitated by Veronica Munoz


Holotropic Breathwork is a highly experiential, powerful method of self-exploration and healing, that combines fast, deep, and circular breathing, evocative music, focused release bodywork, mandala drawing & group sharing. The emphasis is on creating a safe space in which each participant can enter a expanded state of consciousness, and surrender fully to all the sensations, feelings, energy movement, visions, memories, etc. that can arise during the session.

Since its creation in 1976 by the Czech psychiatrist Stanislav Grof, a pioneer of Transpersonal Psychology, and his former wife, Christina, thousands of people world wide have experienced the life changing impact of Holotropic Breathwork; achieving profound and long-lasting change in their lives.

The term holotropic means "moving towards wholeness" and it refers to the healing and transformative power of non-ordinary states of consciousness, that strengthen the connection with the intrinsic inner wisdom in each person.

Holotropic Breathwork aims to bring the mind and body together in a non-ordinary state of consciousness, which provides more conscious access to buried memories and aspects that may be hidden under ordinary conditions

For more information about this work you can explore Stanislav Grof's website.


If you are interested in exploring and learning more about holotropic breathwork before signing up, the Aware Project is hosting a lecture and intro to holotropic breathwork with Veronica on April 10th at 7:00 pm called "Accessing Non-ordinary States through Holotropic Breatwork". Tickets are $15 presale, $20 online.

Event Details Here!


Holotropic Breathwork is done in pairs, that will be chosen before the actual breathwork sessions start. One member of each pair will do the breathwork while their partner acts as sitter (In the second session, the roles are reversed.)

The Holotropic Breathwork sessions are done lying on a mat with the eyes close (it is highly recommended to use eyeshades or a blindfold). The evocative music will last approximately two and a half hours.

The breather is asked simply to remain open to whatever kinds of experiences present themselves. This can include, but is not limited to, deeply restful or ecstatic states, vivid reliving of past experiences, release of energy from the body, strong emotions (either pleasant or difficult), spiritual experiences or experiences that seem to come from the collective unconscious or other transpersonal areas of consciousness.

Many experiences can arise in the process of this work, but having Breathwork experiences per se, (or any particular experience, such as rebirth or ecstasy) is not the purpose. The goals are wholeness, healing, and wisdom. Experiences are the means to these goals. When the body and mind enter a state of non-ordinary consciousness through controlled breathing, the inner wisdom uses that opportunity to work toward physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing, and developmental change. Holotropic Breathwork operates under the principle that we are our own best healers.

Participants in Holotropic Breathwork may see emotionally charged visual images, sense energy moving through their bodies, receive intuitive insights, and clarify troublesome issues in their lives. Often participants report that they relieve accumulated stress, release emotions from old traumas, gain an increased trust in themselves and their bodies, and feel that they have understood and can now transcend old patterns of behavior that have brought unwanted results.


Verónica Muñoz is a Holotropic Breathwork (HB) facilitator, certified by the Grof Transpersonal Training (GTT) in 2009. She has experienced HB since 1999, and has facilitated more than 180 HB sessions at workshops, retreats, and GTT training modules in USA, South America (Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Brazil) and Europe (Czech Republic, Germany, Serbia).

Verónica worked in Chile for 15 years supporting human resources development as a full-time Organizational Psychologist with a Master in Business Administration. At the same time, she was actively focused in her self-exploration, experimenting with a wide range of healing modalities. With no doubt, HB has been the most powerful tool in this process. Though it, she has embraced inner healing and spiritual awareness. This experience has encouraged her to dedicate her efforts to facilitate that others embark upon their own holotropic journeys in a safe, and supportive setting.

Verónica moved to USA in 2013. Currently she hosts Holotropic Breathwork workshops in San Diego, and co-facilitates at HB workshops and retreats in Seattle.


Saturday, April 27th 2019, 7:00pm to 8:30pm (introduction talk for registered attendees)

Sunday, April 28th 9:00am to 9:00pm (HB experiential sessions)

Please aim to arrive at 8:30 to check in and be ready to start at 9:00 am.


Julia's Yoga Studio
4265 El Cajon blvd, San Diego 92105


-A yoga matt, pad or cushions to lie comfortably during the breathwork.
-A refillable water bottle
-Loose, comfortable clothing

Water and a light lunch and light dinner will be provided. Snacks will be available. Healthy gluten free and vegan options will be provided.


Early bird Registration (through april 14th): $225
Regular Registration (through April 28th): $250


Once you register, you will be contacted via email with more information and an informed consent form to fill out. Be sure to check the email associated with your eventbrite account and to check spam folders. If you do not receive an email, you can email

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This group is being designed as a secure space. It is not a place to seek, encourage, or participate in the procurement of controlled substances. Do not bring, buy, sell, transfer, or arrive on any illegal substances, or swap information on how to buy them. Members who violate these basic house rules will be removed from the group and will not be allowed to attend future events.